Gus Alexander Architects


Hazliits Hotel was formed 25 years ago from three 18th century houses in Frith Street, and there was no way these could be extended further. About five years ago, the owners bought a 1970s testing laboratory, part of the Middlesex hospital next door. This was accessed from Bateman's Buildings, one of those alleys in Soho, traditionally associated with discarded syringes and drunks relieving themselves. A small section of the laboratory overlapped the back of one of the original 18th century and we were able to connect the two buildings, so that the "annexe" could be used as part of the main buildings.

We managed to persuade Westminster to let us build an additional storey and a tiled mansard on the flat roof, and we remodelled the fletton brick elevation, and boarded it to make it seem more like part of the hotel. It was very important that guests did not feel they were being fobbed off with second best if they were offered a room at the rear rather than the front of the building.

Hazlitts Hotel
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